The paperless dockets that every Chef needs.

What our customers say
Errors are minimized, time is saved, and customers can expect a swift service.
"It’s a lot better than any other system I’ve seen"

Chef Steven Hillen,
'Default' restaurant, Marcoola
Other venues who've made the smart jump

How simple is your workflow?
With SKO you will:

Jarrod Hooson, Chef
‘The system is brilliant!
It just makes the job for the back house and front of house a lot easier.
No way I’m going back to paper or anything other than SKO.’
Kings Beach Surfclub,
Caloundra, QLD

How visible are your dockets for your team?
SKO will offer:

Josh Grant, Manager
‘Coming from a printed docket system for the last 20+ years moving to the digital SKO system is a world changer. So simple to use, support super efficient. It cuts out the middle man.’
Bli Bli Hotel, Bli Bli, QLD

How profitable is your docket system?
SKO will ensure:

Scott Armstrong, Owner
‘Since implementing the SKO paperless system a year ago, our meal wait time has significantly decreased, rarely exceeding 35 minutes even on the busiest days, enhancing our efficiency and customer satisfaction!’
Maeva Hospitality,
Sunshine Coast, QLD

How it benefits our community
SKO is the first-ever digital rail that has been intuitively designed to provide optimal horizontal space for all dockets.
What does that mean for you? All dockets can be seen on one single rail and are automatically organised by arrival time.
This improves efficiency, reduces mistakes, and makes sure chefs, managers, and owners are satisfied.
The Kitchen Display System has been custom-built by a chef, for a chef, who understands the challenges of working in a kitchen environment.